Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Otter Pop Run!

Amanda -RA5K2012 co-admin runs in a 5k!
On May 20 at 7am I was still very sleepy but on my way to The Otter Pop 5k run in Menlo Park. This was my 3rd race of the year, and the shortest distance of the year. The race didn't start until 8:30 but I had to get there early to set up and warm-up. You see, this wasn't just a normal fun run. But rather, work. My employer is one of the main sponsors of the event. I was there to work, and run. 
I did everything wrong getting ready for this event. I stayed out late night before, had a drink or two. So I didn't get any sleep. I ate heavier foods, I even had a fresh canoli. I didn't pre-hydrate the night before. I only ran twice in the two weeks leading up to the event. I barely stretched. I did everything wrong. But still, I had to do it.
Race Time.
The "serious" runners were moved to the front of the line. The little kids that wanted to run were asked to get behind these people so the wouldn't get run over.
Ready, set, Go! 
And we were off. I started out really strong( and way too fast). But I wanted to stay with the majority of the pack and not get run over. Slowly, I down shifted into a more comfortable pace. By almost the half way mark I was to a fast walk. I had started out too fast. But at the half way point and on to the second loop  I shifted to a mid-slow jog. And kept a reasonable pace throughout the rest of the run. Quite a few of the children did the second lap to complete the 5k. One younger boy( he must have been about 7or 8), just kept plodding away. You could tell he was tired, but he wanted to finish. And he crossed that finish line 5 seconds before me. Some how, I managed to finish. I was pretty tired, but I finished.
As soon as I crossed over the line I ran straight to our stand and started handing out Otter Pops. I will admit, I ate 4 in the process of passing them out. I had to test the quality of the product. *wink 
I received 3rd place for my age group (female 19-29). I also set a PR of 33:04 for 3.2 Miles. It was a good day and a great race. I didn't plan it right, or stick to what I had drilled into my brain. But, sometimes, that's ok. And next time will be even better. I'm already looking forward to next years race. And, of course, the Otter Pops
-Amanda L. S. 

1 comment:

  1. I'd really like to find smaller races like this. Don't get me wrong, I love the hustle and bustle and glitz & glamour of a good Rock n Roll or corporate event, but it would be really nice to find smaller races to do as well. Less people, less stress, and more chances of an AG win/placement! :)
