Monday, March 26, 2012

Kimberly running in the inaugural Dacula Dash

On Saturday March 24, 2012, Kimberly Smith did the Dacula Dash. She wrote about it on our Facebook wall,I did everything wrong, lol. I didn't get to bed last night until after midnight, didn't get to sleep until after 2am! The alarm went off at 6:30 and I DID! NOT! want to get up. But I did. I drug myself downstairs and had my banana and 8oz of Spark energy and was out the door by 7:30.
I didn't have a particular goal in mind other than to do my best. I was secretly hoping for 40min, but was ok with just getting out there. I decided not to beat myself up over time and just have fun. I talked to kids who were running. I gave them high fives and told them they rocked. I got to the halfway point at under 20mins and felt great. Rounded the corner and headed back. When I got to just over 2miles, I got a wicked side stich. I tried to run through it, but it wasn't happening. I took a min to stop, breathe, and stretch my arms over my head, then started back running. I was doing good, and got to the intersection right in front of the finish line, and the cop stopped ME to let cars go by...Grrrrr!! Then he tried to "cheer" me on by saying "Come on, you're almost there" Yeah, I would have been there if you'd let me go...doofus. Got across the intersection and had a group of people sprint past me then stop and walk. Pet peeve of mine, BTW. So as we are heading to the finish, I was weaving past them.
All in all, not a bad run. It was the reset I needed.”

Kimberly came in at 41:40.

Congrats Kimberly and thank you for adding another state to the Run a 5k in 2012 goal.

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